Monday, May 12, 2008

The oldest birthday boy at Chuck E Cheese's

Yes, today is my birthday. I was wracking my brain over where we should eat. "Where can we eat that will be most relaxing?" And then the light went off.... Chuck E Cheese's... No, seriously, think about it. Pizza. Video Games. Lily distracted by video screens while Kerry and I eat. Jade mesmerized by lights while we talk about life (and a new job opportunity). This time, I wouldn't be alone. (I take the girls there sometimes on evenings when Kerry is working...and usually leave sweaty and exhausted.) Maybe, just maybe, I could go off ON MY OWN for a few minutes to play those violent shoot 'em up games that I can never play with Lily! Maybe I could drive the race car without a 3 year old between my legs! The idea sounded better and better the more I thought about it.... 2 happy children=2 relaxed parents.

Go ahead, laugh all you want, but it was a great place to have my birthday party. I might have been the oldest birthday boy in Chuck E Cheese history but we may just break that record next year...