Wednesday, April 16, 2008


That is what my wife will be screaming in about 12 hours. It'll likely be a late night of frantic packing for her (hopefully not for me too, but something tells me I won't get much sleep tonight) as she prepares to head out for 4 days on her long awaited girls weekend with 4 friends from high school, junior high even.

I will have the kids, but there's still a sense of freedom that I will get to enjoy since my parents are in town for 2 of the 4 days...but not to the extent she will I got to thinking about what I would do if I had 4 days on my own. One of my buddies at school is enjoying bachelorhood while his wife is out of town for two weeks. He doesn't have kids so another lunch buddy and I were living vicariously through him and giving him a list of things he must do on our behalf.

Here's my list:
-I would eat whatever I wanted. It wouldn't have to "go together" or vary in color in order to get all of the essential vitamins. I would just eat all of my favorites at the same and and ice and french and Funyuns...
-I would eat in front of the t.v. You lose this privilege with kids to avoid the stains they would make on the couch.
-I would dedicate one entire day to trilogies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, God Father (that I have actually never seen), etc. Maybe a little Tombstone and Braveheart to finish it off. ...all viewed in the comfort of my own pjs...
-I would go to bed late and sleep late and nap on the couch between movies.
-I would blare music and sing and dance like there was no tomorrow!
-After a day or two of being alone, I would invite my friends over for more pizza and cards until about 12 when this old man needs to go to bed. We would just have to get an early start.
-I would go camping with my friends and stay up late talking politics and theology and women...things my girls hate for me to talk about... We would have all the world's problems solved by sun-up.
-I would go mountain biking...

And then after about 4 days, I would be begging for my girls back!!